Do you remember Ayds? I was around 16 was when I first started dieting. I wanted to control my appetite to lose weight. I was about 110 pounds but this was the late 70s and early 80s and everyone was diet and exercise obsessed. And especially impressionable teenagers. Calorie counting and diet aids were always a topic of conversation in my young crowd. Being ‘fat’ was social suicide. You wouldn’t be attractive to the boys even if you were of average weight. Everyone wanted to be ‘skinny’. This was also the time when I had my driver’s license. So, meeting boys or hanging out with my friends was centered around fast-food places. That's where kids would congregate. We had an A & W drive in and McDonald’s opened around that time too. And my first job was at Dairy Queen. There were lots of corner stores for chips, candy and soda. Not a fresh fruit or vegetable was consumed outside of the house. It was considered ‘cool’ to have enough money to eat at McDonald’s. And eating ‘homemade’ food was decidedly uncool. It meant that you didn’t have money of your own to spend. So, it was really challenging. I wanted to be cool and eat all the junk food I wanted and yet stay ‘skinny’ like my other friends. And the advertising from both camps junk food vs. diet culture was overwhelming. Not a word about nutrition on either side, though. Every one in my circle of teenage girlfriends knew about calorie counting. I went on my first restrictive diet which would top out at 1000 calories a day. It consisted of Lipton chicken noodle soup and two boiled hot dogs. These hotdogs were on bread as buns had more calories. With two carefully measured tablespoons of relish on each slice. And I was hungry all the time. That’s when I learned about Ayds. I could buy them at Shopper’s Drug Mart and stop feeling so darn hungry all the time. These chewy ‘candies’ were about ¾ of an inch square. As I remember, you ate two followed by a glass of warm water before meals. You could take them with coffee or tea. But I wasn’t allowed to drink either of these because of the caffeine. A few years ago, when I was desperate to lose weight, I wondered why I didn’t see these Ayds candies anymore. I thought that it was because of the disease. Here’s a quotation from Wikipedia about this very thing. By the mid-1980s, public awareness of the disease AIDS brought notoriety to the brand due to the phonetic similarity of names and the fact that the disease caused immense weight loss in patients. Initially sales were not negatively affected…"The product has been around for 45 years. Let the disease change its name." So, they did change the name but the new name never took off so the product was quietly discontinued. Here was a product that had sales heavily driven by advertising. I even remember these ads and how compelling they were. Check out this YouTube of a compilation of Ayds ads. Sounds good, eh? But did you see some flaws in the advertising? Some things that they could never get away with today. First, there are no before pictures. You are taking the word of the model. Second, they stress that the active ingredient is not a stimulant. Let’s look a little deeper into this. There is another sinister reason why we don’t see this product around anymore. The active ingredient, at least in the late 70s and 80s was phenylpropanolamine (PPA). I thought it was like a fiber supplement because it filled you up. But it is in fact an amphetamine! No wonder I wasn’t hungry. No wonder I was full of energy. No wonder I ate almost nothing for days at a time. No wonder I could stay up all night. And yet the ads said no stimulants. As it turned out, the FDA finally caught up to these liars and those peddling similar products. Here’s another quote from Wikipedia: In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a public health advisory against the use of the drug in November 2000. In this advisory, the FDA requested that all drug companies discontinue marketing products containing PPA. The agency estimates that PPA caused between 200 and 500 strokes per year among 18-to-49-year-old users. So even though the product name was probably the cause of its demise. It would have eventually been taken off the market because of the side effects of PPA use.
I now wonder if it could have contributed to my hypothyroid issues. It certainly was a factor in my yo-yo dieting and disordered eating. I would buy a box. Lose the weight. Eat a standard American diet. Gain weight. Buy another box and so on. For about 10 years until I moved to the big city and let it all hang out. But that’s another story. Now fast forward to a few years ago. I was desperate to lose weight. I was even thinking about trying Ayds again. Obviously, I didn’t realize how destructive they were. But I couldn’t find them and decided to go with a more sustainable approach to weight loss. That’s when I learned about the power of caloric density on a whole food plant-based diet. I was doing great but I was still having problems controlling my appetite. I put my Holistic Nutrition knowledge to work. I started taking glucomannan as an appetite suppressant. In the long term, I also take Spirulina that helps with blood sugar spikes. To learn about glucomannan, check out my article: The Magic of Glucomannan. Or how to take it in food form, check out my article: Cooking with Konjac Root: A Noodle Fiend’s Solution. To learn about Spirulina, check out my article: How to Stop Cravings in their Tracks. It is possible to control your appetite in a healthy and inexpensive way. So, if you have a problem with persistent hunger from blood sugar spikes, this could be your solution. Sources:
This article is the third of a three-part explanation about how fiber aids weight loss. My goal in writing this third article is so you will not only know everything about fiber but how to incorporate it into your daily dietary pattern. The first article explains how fiber works to keep your belly full on the fewest calories. You can read it here: The Most Overlooked Secret to Permanent Weight Loss . The second article is about the magic of konjac root in its supplemental form glucomannan. It explains how glucomannan is the healthiest option for suppressing your appetite. As an added bonus it also may balance blood sugar and lower cholesterol. You can read it here: The Magic of Glucomannan. But this article is by far the most eye opening for us noodle fiends. And it is especially good news for people who hate taking supplements. By eating konjac root, you can still enjoy its amazing health and weight loss properties. Konjac root is used in cooking so you can reap it’s benefits through delicious food. And best of all, you can use it in the form of NOODLES. That’s right noodles. By incorporating konjac root in your cooking, it is basically a zero-calorie food and is all fiber. Konjac Flour: I have yet to see this in any store but you can buy it online. You can use the flour or powder as a thickening agent in place of flour or cornstarch. One teaspoon of konjac flour will gel one cup of water. So, you can use it to thicken sauces and gravies. I have never found a need to buy it because so little goes a long way. I just use the contents of a capsule to thicken sauces. There are also some recipes for baking that use konjac flour. But I would recommend against it for a couple of reasons:
Konjac Noodles: Here is where the noodle fiend in me gets really excited. If you have read my book, BREAK THE CYCLE, you know that noodles are a huge binge trigger for me. In fact, I loved them so much that when I cleaned out my kitchen, I hid the pasta in a drawer in the basement. I couldn’t bring myself to give them away even though I knew they were off limits. I have finally cleaned out my noodle drawer! And I have found this wonderful guilt-free substitute. You can buy konjac noodles at practically any Asian supermarket. The Japanese have been using these noodles for centuries. They are called shirataki noodles. Konjac/Shirataki noodles can be found in the refrigerated section of an Asian store. They are packed in water which is great because they haven’t dried out. They are cheap as well. The ones I bought were C$2.75 a bag which contains about one large serving. The bag contains 7 ounces. Here are some pictures: I also found konjac noodles in my supermarket in the pasta section of the store. They seem more expensive at C$5.99. But in reality, they aren’t much more expensive as there are two 7-ounce servings in each bag. Needless to say, I lost my shit, when I saw all this amazing konjac pasta in the store and bought a selection to try. I bought traditional shirataki, spaghetti, penne, and Thai style. Here are the pictures: So, why am I so excited? Well, each 7-ounce serving of pasta is only 30 calories! That’s right 30 calories for a full bowl of pasta. As a comparison, a 7-ounce serving of whole wheat spaghetti is 246 calories. That's a saving of 216 calories on one pasta meal. You could eat eight 7-ounce servings of konjac noodles for the same calories.
These noodles are:
Preparing Konjac Noodles: Preparing these noodles couldn’t be easier.
They are a fresh food. Once a package is open, the noodles may be kept in water for a maximum of two days. Do not freeze If you can’t find the noodles in your local area, there are plenty of brands on Amazon. So, in summary, konjac is a low calorie, high fiber root vegetable. Konjac noodles have a neutral taste, taking on the flavor of your favorite sauces. They are naturally free from gluten, fat and sugar and are an excellent alternative to wheat and rice pasta. Konjac Root is a viscous fiber which really fills you up. Due to the high fiber content, it is recommended to drink plenty of water during and after meals. I also recommend if you are taking the supplements, that you skip them on the days you eat konjac noodles. You need to make some room for all your healthy fruits and vegetables that you will be eating as well. I am so excited about this expansion to my dietary regime that I have created a new section for recipes using konjac noodles. Check out my newest recipes in the Pasta & Noodles section on this website. Glucomannan comes from the dried root of the konjac plant. It has historically been used in Asian cultures as a food and a medicine. I love glucomannan but I have never recommended it to another person until now for a couple of reasons.
This stuff really helped me when I was starting my weight loss journey. I was suffering horribly with cravings and I could not think about anything else but food. But glucomannan, totally helped me control my appetite. Benefits: If you have read my article: The Least Exciting Secret to Permanent Weight Loss, you know how important fiber is for weight loss . And the best kind of fiber is viscous soluble fiber. And that is exactly what glucomannan is. Here are some of the benefits:
Even though it is a miracle fiber supplement, it does come with some cautionary advice. Warnings:
So, if you want to give glucomannan a try, get it in its pure capsule form to save money. You can get it from some health food stores or order it online. My local health food store used to carry it but no more so I got it on Amazon at a really good price. Lots of weight control supplements use glucomannan as their ‘secret ingredient’. But don’t be fooled by fancy advertising. Buy it in its pure form. It costs less than a third of these concoctions that have a bunch of other stuff inside the capsule as well. I’ve got good news if you are not keen on taking supplements. Glucomannan or konjac root is also used in cooking so you can reap it’s benefits through food as well. Keep an eye out for my next article Cooking with Konjac root. Source: WebMD: GLUCOMANNAN: Overview, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Interactions, Dosing and Reviews ( Let’s talk about the most important tools to weight loss. They are almost a secret because everyone finds them a little boring to talk about. In fact, most people only start getting interested in the topic when they are much older. And then it’s all they want to talk about. The most effective tools to weight loss and weight maintenance are fiber and water. Where can you find fiber and water? Not surprisingly you find them in whole plant foods. Like vegetables, fruit, grains and legumes. The exact same foods I promote in my book BREAK THE CYCLE and in all my online challenges. What has no fiber? Animal products and fats/oils. What has little or no fiber? Processed foods. In my article on HOW TO AVOID DIVERTICULOSIS you learn how important fiber is for colon health. But what you might not realize is that a high fiber diet is critical for weight loss and weight maintenance. Basically, fiber refers to carbohydrates that cannot be digested by your gut. It is classified as either soluble or insoluble. It depends on whether it dissolves in water (soluble) or not (insoluble). Here are the FOUR Ds to help you remember why fiber is so important for weight loss. 1. DILUTION OF CALORIES Vegetables, fruit, grains and legumes are the foods with the lowest caloric density and highest in fiber. If you fill up on these foods you 'dilute' the number of calories consumed at every meal. To dilute your calories further, add a cup or two of non-starchy vegetables to your meal. This way you can reduce the amount of grains or beans in your bowl and not even notice it. Check out my stir fry recipes in the vegetable section of the website. Each recipe makes 8 cups which you can add to all your dishes throughout the week. 2. DISTENTION OF THE STOMACH Eating a lot of fiber fills you up and activates the stretch receptors in the stomach. These receptors then signal the brain that you have had enough to eat. So, start every meal with non-starchy vegetables first. This engages the stretch receptors early. So, there isn’t much room left for more calorically dense foods. In short, start every meal with a salad. Then move on to steamed vegetables or vegetable soup. Finally, if you have room, eat your legumes and grains. 3. DELAY IN STOMACH EMPTYING High fiber foods take longer to break down in the stomach. So, delay in stomach emptying is simply due to the amount of high fiber foods you have eaten. Eating any whole food plant-based meal will automatically delay stomach emptying. This will keep you feeling full for much longer. 4. DUMPING OF CALORIES When you eat fiber rich foods not all the calories are absorbed by the body. Some of those calories are trapped in the fibers of the food. The more fiber we have in the diet, the less calories we absorb, the more calories are dumped on the other end. Because it is not the number of calories that we consume, it is the number of the calories that get absorbed. So, the amount of fiber in a high fiber diet alone can make you absorb between five to 10% less calories in your diet. Besides being great for weight loss, a high fiber diet also: Is Good for your Microbiome Fiber functions mostly as bulking agents, adding content to your stool. Fiber does not get digested. It tends to reach your large intestine relatively unchanged. Also, there are certain soluble fibers help feed the friendly gut bacteria. These bacteria are essential for good health. Reduces Inflammation Inflammation is associated with many lifestyle conditions, including obesity. Fiber consumption has been linked to reduced inflammation. Keeps you Feeling Full Longer Fiber with a high viscosity may provide increased fullness. It also reduces appetite. Viscous, soluble fiber is found only in plant foods. Beans, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and oats are particularly rich in viscous fiber. By the way, you may be thinking, why can’t I just maintain my crappy diet and take fiber supplements? Well, the body knows better. You can't fool your body into 'thinking' you are eating real food. Fiber supplements are usually ineffective for weight loss. The exception is glucomannan which I will discuss another time. So, getting your fiber from whole plant foods is better than supplementing. Remember you can not supplement your way out of a poor diet. Get your fiber and water from fresh, water filled whole plant-based foods. And watch the magic happen for your weight loss and weight maintenance goals. References: Article: Fiber Can Help You Lose Weight — But Only a Specific Type ( Presentation: Dr. Rosane Oliveira on the 2021 The Truth About Weight Loss Summit, My buddy and I were discussing the merits of filtering drinking water. She has some thyroid issues and chlorine is a bad thing for the thyroid. She is also on a budget so wanted to know if it was necessary to filter our drinking water.
She asked me if leaving tap water out overnight will off-gas the chlorine from the water. Would it be chlorine free by the time you drink it? So, I delved into what turned out to be a rather complex topic. Here's what I found out. Here's a quote from an article from High Times: 'It’s no longer enough to leave your tap water out for day to let the chlorine evaporate, because water is being treated with chloramine, which takes so long to evaporate that other methods of removal or neutralization are needed. For a lot of reasons, chloramine sanitizes water more effectively than simple chlorine gas. In fact, chloramine’s slow evaporation rate is one of the reasons it’s used instead of chlorine. Taking this into account, gardeners and clean water lovers alike need other methods of removing this noxious compound.' Okay, Here's a quote from ThoughtCo. about the merits of chlorine and it's dangers for human consumption: Chlorine is a highly efficient disinfectant, and it is added to public water supplies to kill disease-causing bacteria that the water or its transport pipes might contain.... But Harrison says that all this disinfecting has not come without a price: Chlorine introduced into the water supply reacts with other naturally-occurring elements to form toxins called trihalomethanes (THMs), which eventually make their way into our bodies. THMs have been linked to a wide range of human health maladies ranging from asthma and eczema to bladder cancer and heart disease. In addition, Dr. Peter Montague of the Environmental Research Foundation cites several studies linking moderate to heavy consumption of chlorinated tap water by pregnant women with higher miscarriage and birth defect rates. Need more proof? Here's what the Canadian Cancer Society has to say about tap water and cancer. For decades, researchers have studied the long-term effects of using chlorinated tap water. Most studies have shown that when people are exposed to chlorinated water over long periods of time, it slightly increases their risk of bladder cancer. Some studies have also found links to colorectal cancer, but we need more research to be sure of this link. Several chlorination by-products are possible causes of cancer. Studies have shown that trihalomethanes (THMs) and halo acetic acids (HAAs), which are the most common chlorination by-products, can cause cancer in laboratory animals. The Canadian Cancer Society recommends the following: You may be able to reduce your exposure to chlorination by-products by:
However, levels of chlorination by-products may not be reduced by all types of products mentioned here. And you can still be exposed to by-products when you shower or swim in a pool treated with chlorine. If you choose to use these types of products, make sure they are certified to National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) standards. Also change the filters according to the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid contamination from bacteria and other microbes. Okay, so this has been my reason for using a water filter. Right now, I am using a Brita filter but see the importance of having a complete filtration system and avoiding chlorinated pools. Especially if you have any issues with your thyroid. For more on thyroid health, check out my article: How to Support your Thyroid. References:
One of the best reference books that I use for my business is my Nutritional Pathology book. I can look up any disease or disorder and get the best holistic recommendations to support the body. A big part of these recommendations is dietary and they vary depending on the condition. But there is one thing all the dietary recommendations have in common. It is to give up coffee, tea and caffeinated beverages. Caffeine is an artificial stimulant that dehydrates you. If you suffer from headaches or migraines, caffeine is the first thing off your list. And water is the first thing on it. There is actually something called a caffeine withdrawal headache. I don't know about you, but if you are actually having withdrawal symptoms from a beverage, that can't be a good thing. Coffee is also the worst thing to drink first thing in the morning. You are already dehydrated from your sleep and all the metabolic clean up that is done during the night. You want to flush out these metabolic toxins with a big glass of filtered, room temperature water. This will help to support your liver and kidneys and get things moving in the morning. When you are drinking your first glass of water in the morning you will be surprised how truly thirsty you are. I know you might be thinking...that's easy to say but I'm still not giving up my coffee. You are probably also thinking, what does she know about this coffee withdrawal thing. I would have agreed with you if I hadn't experienced it for myself. I had a long love affair with coffee. And no real history with headaches. But when I was caffeine free for the first few days, I experienced caffeine withdrawal headaches. Surprisingly, by giving up coffee, you have better mental clarity and more energy. This is probably the reason you started drinking coffee in the first place. And you'll sleep so much better, too. Giving up caffeine is also good to reduce your stress levels. Chronic stress causes adrenal fatigue and elevated cortisol levels. This leads to accumulating abdominal fat among other things. My article 'How to Deal with Chronic Stress' also covers the importance of giving up caffeine. Or if you have any inflammation issues stop drinking coffee. Caffeine is an inflammatory 'food'. It is also highly acidic. So, it's bad for your bone density as it affects your blood pH levels. You can drink all the herbal teas you can stomach hot or cold. You can start weaning yourself off caffeine with a good quality organic decaf. Or you can try mushroom teas which you can find at your local health food store. Or you can buy this product featured in the picture. Dandy Blend dandelion tea tastes and looks like instant coffee. It contains chicory root which also helps it taste like coffee. You can find it at a good health food store. It is expensive but in comparison to the price of coffee it is great value. Because you only need a teaspoon to make a full cup. Dandy Blend is non-GMO, gluten free, 100% caffeine free, no acidity and no bitterness. It contains over 50 trace minerals in each cup. Also, you won't experience caffeine withdrawal headaches when you switch to Dandy Blend. I heard about this product by watching a FMTV improved lifestyle seminar. I thought it sounded like a great alternative to health damaging caffeine. Give it a try, your body will thank you for it. Spring is a month away. It’s time to get your body ready as best you can before the pollen starts flying. Facial masks have been helpful in the past. But as restrictions lessen, here’s some holistic solutions to pollen allergies. TEN COMMON-SENSE TIPS
FOODS TO CUT OUT Cut out dairy during allergy season. It is one of the most common food allergens and just makes your symptoms more pronounced. Start reading food labels and cut out foods containing the following additives:
What does all this have to do with allergies? According to Dr. Adrein Morris's article, 'Food additives have been implicated as triggers for chronic non-allergic rhinitis and avoidance may benefit up to 8% of rhinitis sufferers.' FOODS TO ADD Now you are saying.... what’s left to eat? That's my whole diet! Well, here is yet another amazing coincidence. The best diet to help you get through pollen season is a whole food plant-based diet. So, if you suffer with allergies, what better time to get going on a clean eating plan. Check out my book BREAK THE CYCLE or my 6-week HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS Challenge to get started. Here’s a list of foods with anti-histamine properties that you can start using more of today:
LOCAL HONEY FOR NON-VEGANS Locally produced honey. This means the bees are collecting pollen from our local trees. The same trees that give you all those allergic symptoms. Take a tablespoon of local honey every day starting a month before pollen season. This is like inoculating yourself against the same pollen that causes you so much misery. However, I want to point out that honey is basically sugar so if you have a sugar addiction, skip this suggestion. You don’t want honey to get in the way of your weight loss. But if you are at your goal weight and pollen season is unbearable, give honey a try. SUPPLEMENTATION Everyone knows I am a huge proponent for spirulina. You would think that I would be selling it myself. Maybe I should because I believe in it so much. As I mentioned in my book, spirulina is great for stabilizing blood sugar. As an added bonus, it also helps with seasonal allergies. Spirulina alleviates sinus issues. It benefits the body by reducing the inflammation that causes people to experience sinus problems, according to numerous studies. Compared to placebo trials, spirulina is effective at reducing itching, nasal discharge, nasal congestion and sneezing. Take as directed on the bottle. Start today to put in place these common-sense tips. Eat a whole food plant-based diet. Focus on foods with anti-histamine properties. And use spirulina so you can get through this season feeling much better. Here’s to getting through Spring with clear nasal passages! References:
An ion is an atom or molecule with an electrical charge. They are super small. Some ions are positively charged. Others are negatively charged. They are all around us and come from both natural and man-made sources. NEGATIVE IONS ARE GOOD FOR US We feel alive when near waterfalls or a natural spring. When it rains or during thunderstorms. Walking on the beach or in the woods. This is because there are plenty of negative ions in the air. Negative ions counteract positive ions. This leaves us feeling invigorated, healthier and energized. POSITIVE IONS ARE BAD FOR US The following things all give off positive ions:
Positive ions can turn into free radicals in the body. Free radicals can damage healthy cells and decrease the pH of the blood. Free radicals in the body are linked to aging, tissue damage and some diseases. Most particles found in the air inside buildings have a positive charge. In nature, negative ions are generated by sunlight, lightning, waves, and waterfalls. That's why people feel so invigorated in these settings. But indoors, negative ions are lacking. So, negative ion generators were developed to improve air quality inside businesses and homes. The science behind it is that negative ions will be attracted to positive ions in the air. When there is lot of negative ions in the air, they will attach to positively charged particles. This causes the particle to become too heavy to remain airborne. As a result, the particle will fall out of the air. This prevents it from being inhaled into the respiratory tract. Inhaled positively charged particles can trigger breathing and health problems. The claimed health benefits of negative ion generators are:
The cheapest ways to incorporate more negative ions into the home are: SALT CRYSTAL LAMPS Salt crystal lamps are natural ionizers. The salt crystal binds the negative ions with the excess positive ions. When the lamp becomes warm, it absorbs moisture and the crystal will be damp on the surface. This builds up the ion field. Through the lamp, the positively charged atmosphere of the room can be neutralized. Also, the colors of the salt crystal stones can have a healing effect. The prices range depending on the size of the crystal starting at $25.00. That's the price I paid for the one pictured above. INDOOR WATERFALLS: Indoor waterfalls and desktop fountains provide a constant source of running water. Running water reduces stress factors in the environment by producing negatively charged ions. Also, they create white noise which can help neutralize irritating sounds. You can buy these online between $50-$100. NEGATIVE ION GENERATORS: The third way, is to buy a negative ion generator, an air ionizer or an air purifier (all the same thing). They are not so pretty and cost between $150-$400. So, that's why I opted for the salt lamp and the waterfall. By the way, any one of these make great gifts for the people that you love. (Including yourself.) If you want to learn other methods to reduce stress in the home, click the button below to go to my article. If you have a varied healthy diet with lots of green vegetables and you do weight bearing exercise regularly like walking or jogging, you are doing a lot to help your bones. One of the reasons we lose calcium from our bones is that it acts as a buffer to keep our blood at the correct pH level. However, calcium is difficult to absorb in supplement form so the body, in it's efficient wisdom, will take calcium from the bones on a as needed basis. Bone density loss can NOT be remedied by supplementing calcium tablets. Bone density is maintained by an intricate interplay of many nutrients including; protein, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, boron, silicon, vanadium, B-complex vitamins, and vitamins K and D. Calcium needs vitamin D along with other vitamins and minerals to support absorption. If the calcium is not absorbed and utilized, the burden falls on our kidneys to get rid of it. As a result, kidney stones could develop. The best way to ensure absorption is through calcium-rich foods. The easiest way to stop calcium from leaching from your bones is to have an alkaline diet and remove foods and triggers that make the blood more acidic. And what a coincidence that the way of eating that I promote in my book and courses is predominantly alkaline. The average adult requires 1000 mg of calcium per day. And this is totally doable if you follow my guidelines of eating two pounds of non-starchy vegetables every day. Three Ways to Alkalinize Your Diet: Foods to Add:
'Phosphorous and calcium have an inverse relationship with each other in the blood. High phosphorous will encourage calcium excretion by the kidneys. While milk might be a good source of calcium, it also has lots of phosphorous, and it lacks magnesium necessary to solubilize calcium. Meat also contains large amounts of phosphorous as do carbonated drinks, and so will be associated with calcium losses.' 2. Avoid coffee, tea, caffeine, and stimulants.
3. Avoid sugar, alcohol, and artificial sweeteners. There are other factors that affect bone density but here is a good start of what you can implement today to protect your bones. Take baby steps today by making some dietary changes to avoid bone loss. * I do want to point out that if your doctor has suggested that you take calcium and vitamin D supplementation, take it! Some medications leach calcium from your bones. I don't know what medication you are taking, so follow your doctor's orders. But also make sure you are getting your daily needs met through proper nutrition. Reference: Brenda Lessard-Rhead, Nutritional Pathology, Second Edition, CSNN Publishing, Richmond Hill, Ontario, 2013.
Our bodies are a miracle. We have ancient mechanisms that can detect threats to our survival. One of the reasons humans have survived is our 'fight or flight' response to danger. When a threat is detected, hormones are released into the body to prepare us to react. But this is a problem in our modern world. Our ancient brains can not distinguish between real and unreal threats. Our bodies are reacting to perceived threats all the time. So, we can suffer from chronic stress from work and daily worries. This can lead to chronic elevated cortisol levels. This leads to weight gain especially around the abdomen. So, reducing your daily stress can help you reduce your waistline. Here's some stress management techniques to help you reduce your stress: REDUCE YOUR SCREEN TIME ON ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES Your primitive brain has difficulty determining if a threat is real or perceived. So, violent movies, video games or agitating social media and T as a threat to your body. Whenever possible, leave your cell phone behind. Or at least turn it off. TAKE A BREAK
GET PHYSICAL Sweaty exercise or physical work, especially outdoors, are the perfect stress busters. This type of movement tires out the big muscles in the body naturally. You are letting your body do the work and it gives your brain a much-needed break from the stresses of the day. You get to work out your aggravations in a healthy way. GET SOME SLEEP Getting enough sleep is by far the most effective stress-management technique. The average adult needs 6-8 hours of restorative sleep every night. People that suffer from chronically elevated cortisol usually have trouble sleeping. But if you implement as many of my strategies for reducing stress as you can, you will sleep like a baby. Here’s to a great night’s sleep. The more of these you can incorporate into your life, the better you will feel. This is a long game to battle chronic stress and requires a lifestyle change. Some fun and easy tweaking to your daily life could save your life. So, get out of your head and back into your body. We’ve only got one body to carry us through this journey so take care of it. |
Karen WarwickI am not a doctor but I am a RHN. Here is what I would do, if I were you. Archives
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